The term "schedule" is used very loosely is not all inclusive but is a starting point for what you could do throughout the day. Times listed are for a period during which to work on something- not that students should be working nonstop during that entire time. First grade students should only be doing school work for a maximum of 45-90 minutes total per day, in 5-10 minute spans.
Morning (anytime between 9-12)
Do some math: assigned pages from your math book, review pages from previous topics, online math through Freckle or SplashMath.
Awesome daily lessons already set up with fiction and nonfiction texts/videos and a follow-up activity.
Read: your books, Science or Social Studies, online with RAZ-Kids....just READ!
Join Disney animator Michael Woodside each day at 10:00 and let him show you how to draw Disney characters! Videos are also recorded so that you can go back watch ones you have missed.
Afternoon (anytime between 1-3)
Doodle with Mo! Spend some time with Mo and let him show you how to draw illustrations for your books/stories!
Learn to draw cartoons with Steve Harpster! Lots of how-to videos already online, but you can tune it at 2:00 here each day for a live demo from Steve himself!
Kindness 101 with Steve Hartman at 2:00 on Mondays: Steve will entertain and educate kids on kindness while sharing some of his favorite stories he has reported on over the years. Click here for the article about how he came up with this idea.